In the Suharău commune, where the mayor Marcel Chelariu proved over time that he knows how to stay with the people, regardless of political sympathies, two kindergartens were inaugurated during this week. One was inaugurated in the town of Smârdan, and the other in the town of Suharau. The festive event took place in an atmosphere vibrating with the satisfaction of fulfillment, of lasting achievements, doubled by the joy of meeting people from the department and culture who have taught over the years with heart, the soul being their connecting bridge, the main binder between them and children.

Kindergarten no. 3 Smârdan is a new construction, started in 1918 and completed this year. Also, Grădinita no. 1 Suharău was built in 1954 and rehabilitated between 2018 and 2023. Both projects took place based on projects implemented by the mayor Marcel Chelariu together with his team from Suharău City Hall.

The children, obviously, but also the parents and teachers participated in this double inauguration. The school inspector Galia Hrimiuc was also present, as were the parish priests from the commune. The event marked by the mayor Chelariu was also joined by the ethnographer Angela Paveliuc Olariu. She participated in the session organized by the educator Florentina Nazare.

According to Mayor Marcel Chelariu, investments in the Suharau commune will continue with the rehabilitation of the Lișna Kindergarten. Then, through a project that will take place through PNRR, the “Equipping with furniture, didactic materials and digital equipment of pre-university education units and related units” will be financed and implemented. The project scored 90 points in the evaluation, so the mayor has every reason to be proud that he managed to offer the community of Suharau absolutely necessary long-term investments.